Since the publication of the human genome sequence about a decade ago, the popular press has reported on many occasion about genes allegedly found for things ranging from breast size, intelligence, popularity and homosexuality to fidgeting. The general population is constantly told that the revolution is just around the corner. But the last year or so, articles start to pop up in the popular press that genomics and genetics will not be able to deliver what it promised (or what people thought it promised) a couple of years ago. The technology of (next-generation) sequencing is clearly following the Gartner Hype Cycle, and we're probably nearing the top of the "peak of inflated expectations".

As a researcher myself, I also am not insensitive to this sensation.
Hi there, and welcome to SaaienTist, a blog by me, for me and you. It started out long ago as a personal notebook to help me remind how to do things, but evolved to cover more opinionated posts as well. After a hiatus of 3 to 4 years (basically since I started my current position in Belgium), I resurrect it to help me organize my thoughts. It might or might not be useful to you.

Why "Saaien tist"? Because it's pronounced as 'scientist', and means 'boring bloke' in Flemish.
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