Biovis/Visweek recap
Finally time to write something about the biovis/visweek conference I attended about a week ago in Providence (RI)... And I must say: they'll see me again next year. (Hopefully @infosthetics will be able to join me then). Meanwhile, several blog posts are popping up discussing it (see here and here, for example).
This was the first time that biovis (aka the IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization) was organized. It's similar to the 2-year old vizbi, but has an agenda that is more focused on research in visualization rather than application of visualization in the biological sciences. Really interesting talks, posters and people.
This was the first time that biovis (aka the IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization) was organized. It's similar to the 2-year old vizbi, but has an agenda that is more focused on research in visualization rather than application of visualization in the biological sciences. Really interesting talks, posters and people.