Postdoc position - Genomic variation discovery and visualization
Just a short note...
Even though my position in Leuven only starts in October, I've already been involved in writing and defending a major grant. We've set up a consortium in Leuven (SymBioSys 2) consisting of 6 PIs "focusing on how individual genomic variation leads to disease through cascading effects across biological networks". This should be a good stepping stone to get my own lab running.
The grant concerns several workpackages (six in total), ranging from the analysis of the raw next-gen sequencing data, over the application of network algorithms for gene prioritization to the ultimate application in a couple of disease fields. I'll be in charge of the workpackage "Genomic variation discovery and visualization".
Even though my position in Leuven only starts in October, I've already been involved in writing and defending a major grant. We've set up a consortium in Leuven (SymBioSys 2) consisting of 6 PIs "focusing on how individual genomic variation leads to disease through cascading effects across biological networks". This should be a good stepping stone to get my own lab running.
The grant concerns several workpackages (six in total), ranging from the analysis of the raw next-gen sequencing data, over the application of network algorithms for gene prioritization to the ultimate application in a couple of disease fields. I'll be in charge of the workpackage "Genomic variation discovery and visualization".