Open Research Computation - a new journal from BioMedCentral
As a colleague of mine said a couple of weeks ago: "if you don't publish it, it didn't happen". Scientific publications are the currency to advance a researcher's career. Looking for a new job? You better make sure your publication list is littered with first or second author papers in good (read: high impact factor) journals. Hoping to have your tenure track lead to tenure? Idem. Publish or perish.
Meanwhile, many bioinformaticians spend huge amounts of time developing software to make genetic or genomic research possible; research that just wouldn't happen if it was not for their custom-written tools, scripts and pipelines. Unfortunately, you often need the find function of your webbrowser or PDF reader to be able to pinpoint the lone bioinformatician in the author list.
Meanwhile, many bioinformaticians spend huge amounts of time developing software to make genetic or genomic research possible; research that just wouldn't happen if it was not for their custom-written tools, scripts and pipelines. Unfortunately, you often need the find function of your webbrowser or PDF reader to be able to pinpoint the lone bioinformatician in the author list.