Bioruby with git: how would that work?
Disclaimer: This blog post is the result of several iterations of writing/discussion/rewriting from Anthony Underwood, Michael Barton, Matt Wood and myself, with additional help from Paul Thornthwaite.
Disclaimer nr 2: We are not yet git veterans ourselves, so if you see simpler ways of doing what we describe below (or spot any errors), please let us know so we can update this post and put it onto the bioruby wiki as well.
Disclaimer nr 3: This is a proposal. Bioruby has not moved to git yet. However, we are working on it and trying to get the support from the main developers. Update: bioruby has been converted to git (thanks, Anthony) and is not available on github. So you can clone or fork now. However, the official development is still on CVS.
Disclaimer nr 2: We are not yet git veterans ourselves, so if you see simpler ways of doing what we describe below (or spot any errors), please let us know so we can update this post and put it onto the bioruby wiki as well.
Disclaimer nr 3: This is a proposal. Bioruby has not moved to git yet. However, we are working on it and trying to get the support from the main developers. Update: bioruby has been converted to git (thanks, Anthony) and is not available on github. So you can clone or fork now. However, the official development is still on CVS.